Dear Traders, 65% off special has expired, bet current deal available is 35% off using code SAVE35
Bulenox funded trader program has arrived with a massive sale. Discounts up to 65% off are available on all accounts.
Go to : Bulenox Trader Funding, select the account size, and drawdown type of your choice. Select the appropriate discount code for your account size and finish checkout. You should have automatically generated trading accounts logins in your email in minutes
BuleNox Discount Codes
Bulenox has individual discounts codes for 65% off flash sale
OPT25K- 65% off 25K accounts
OPT50K – 65% off 50K accounts
OPT100K – 65% off 100K accounts
If you would like to sign up for 150k or 250k accounts there is another generous discount:
OPT35 to save 35% off all account
What are the advantages of BuleNox vs the competition?
- Single Step evaluations
- Trailing drawdown
- EOD drawdown – End of day drawdown program currently offers the best value in the industry, especially at the current pricing
- First $10,000 of profits to the trader, 90% profit split after
- Faster withdrawals than Leeloo and Apex
- Best Price for better product in this niche
- Multiple accounts are allowed under 1 parent account. Can buy 30k in drawdown for well under $1k in evaluation fees right now
If you are not fully ready to jump right in and would like to look around:
Go to : Bulenox Trader Funding, scroll down to 14 day trial. You will get access to NinjaTrader and live data to practice.